So we've moved. I'm so thankful to the Lord for our house selling, for helping us get out of that financial burden and for providing a place. Here's the problem. Our house is 20 minutes from my parents. I know it's not far, but when you live 5-10 minutes away for years, this seems like an all day trip to just visit. I do not like living on another end of the county. I keep my sister's kids 2 days a week so she can work and her drive is much longer than before. Spontaneous trips to my folks doesn't happen now. I have to plan for them because now it's almost an hour round trip. Boy am I in a crummy mood or what? Since I am a stay at home mom, I guess maybe I've been getting too much home time. My husband and I haven't been out in over 2 months and I think it's starting to show.
I have struggled to like this house but I just don't. I know God wants me here for a reason. For one the view out the back is gorgeous. Nice big hills and a pond to feast your eyes on. That's it's one saving grace. The house is small. The kids are sharing a room and I have made the small bedroom an office/school room. I have yet to organize it. I just can't get motivated to even look at it right now. I think by not unpacking and organizing this one room I am internally rebelling against the change of another move (we've moved 8 times in 13 years by the way). Hmmmm, I think too much and I need a nap. Maybe my next post will be more positive!
On a brighter note here are some pictures of our camping trip we took last week. Enjoy!
God has blessed me and I am so thankful for all He gives me. I know the enemy is
attacking me today. That's why it's so necessary to "gird up thy loins." Put on that armor of God and fight back!