Friday, June 28, 2013

28 day T-tapp challenge

I'm currently doing a 28 day T-tapp challenge.  I weighed, measured and took a photo in a snug outfit on Monday and in one month will redo that again to see if I have changed.  Putting on tight clothes and standing in front of the camera was NOT fun!  Who wants to look like a little fat sausage crammed in some clothes?  NOT ME.  But I really want to see if I can tell a difference after this challenge.  When I went to church camp a few weeks ago, I gained 8-10 lbs.  I knew most of it was water weight and well, just being 'full'.  I am happy that it came off in a week.  I sure wish I could lose 10 every week lol!  I'd be skinny by fall :)  I'm still about 4 lbs from where I was in May, so I am working toward that right now.  Of course, it does not help that I ate several chocolate chip cookies yesterday and this morning for breakfast.  Hey, what can I say, I'm human.  I had guests over for lunch and if I make it and it's staring me in the face, I'll eat it!  I think all my friends and family from now on will have to eat sugar free with me if I want to be successful.  I really have no willpower at all when it comes to yummy sugar-filled chocolate treats!  I need a 12 step program for sugar.  So I'm off to drink a quart of water now and exercise!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Church camp fun!

We had a blast at church camp, but boy was I glad to get home.  It was an exhausting week.  I don't do well with under 6 hours of sleep at night.  I was one grumpy mama by saturday.  Not to mention, my eating was waaaaay off and I gained 8 lbs!  I know most of it was water weight because I was very swollen and puffy, but I sure didn't like it and have been trying to get back on track all week.  I feel like today I will finally have  a full on Trim Healthy Mama successful day!  I refuse to weigh myself for the next several weeks because it just makes me want to eat when I don't get the results I want.  So I'm going to focus on eating right and getting my exercise in, whether it be T-Tapp, walking, swimming or gardening.  Here's some pics from our fun week:
My sister Sam and I
My sweet daughter!
Posing in the Lake!
Craft time
She is just like her momma :)
Having a blast on the water slides
She painted a birdhouse, but not the one in the background, ha ha!
He always makes faces.
So I decided to make a face when he wanted a serious shot!
He's like, "what the"  LOL!
Singing This little light of mine at church one night.  They had been swimming all day and the kids were wore out!
Art time

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Off to Church Camp I Go!

This week our family will be leaving for church camp.  Even my husband!  I'm so glad he gets to go with us.  It is hard on us financially when he misses a week of work, but the rewards far outweigh a paycheck in my opinion!  I consider this family time, fellowship time and growing in the Lord time.  I usually help with the teen girl class and teach one of the days.  My lesson this year will be on integrity.  I feel like this generation coming up lacks this so much.  What has happened to kids today?  No morals, manners, honor or integrity.  I pray that I can raise Lexie and Izaiah with fear and reverence to the Lord.  I will consider my job complete if they learn to love the Lord as much as I do! 

My Trim Healthy Mama journey is still plugging along.  I have been stalled for several weeks and my eating has been off, so I decided to try T-Tapp.  I ordered a starter set and did a 9 day boot camp.  Basically I did  the Basic Workout Plus DVD which takes 15 minutes every day for 9 days.  I measured before and after.  I lost almost 10 inches all over!  I was super excited.  3 inches came off my belly and another 3 came off my ribs.  I am an apple shape so anything off my tummy is a welcome departure :)  I will definitely continue with this program.  I like that it's short but I am sweating buckets by the time it's over.

Church camp will be challenging eating wise.  When you feed a big crowd, you buy cheap junk!  I will do the best I can and try to walk several times and drink as much water as I can.  I know that when I come home on Saturday, I will be ready for a few days of detox.  I will post some pictures this week if I can of what we are doing at camp.

Have a blessed week.