I love fall. I love the colors changing, the cool crisp air. It's such a welcome relief from the hot summer we've had. And what a summer I've had! Parents house burnt, sold our house, moved twice in 5 weeks and then our house deal feel through. So not only are we living in a two bedroom apartment, we are also paying for an empty house that my husband doesn't want to move back into. Am I ok with that? Yes and I'll tell you why. For the first time I am standing still and letting God move. I am letting my husband lead. And if he doesn't want to move back, so be it. I am content to be, because my husband is leading. I want so much to be in God's will and I certainly can't do that if he is getting grief from me.
We are poor, but rich in God's love. We are committed to being the best parents to our children. God is good and worthy to be praised. He doesn't owe us anything, even though we secretly want to pitch a little fit like a toddler sometimes when things don't go our way. I've had a lot of things happen to me in the last few years that most people would say, what's the point in trying? Why not give up?
There are several reasons:
1. I have two little ones watching. If I give up, how do they learn to lean on God in hard times, to be thankful for everything? How can I give up when they so want to be like me and my husband.
2. I have loved ones who don't have a relationship with God. If I am truly to be the "salt" of this world and show them what loving Jesus is all about, how can I give up when times get hard?
3. God loves me and I don't deserve it. I deserve Hell, but He desires a relationship with me. Why would I give that up because life gets hard? This life is so short, so fleeting.
I want to walk up to God and one day hear these words: "Well done, my good and faithful child, enter in."