Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How can I not praise the Lord?

 Mom and her girls!

A few days ago I was lying in bed and I could not sleep.  Usually when this happens, I take it as a sign that God is telling me something.  As I lay there, I realized how good the Lord has been to me and my family this year.   I have three sisters and God has done amazing things in their lives this year! 

Sister #1    My big sis!  She is a stay at home mom, who loves the Lord and does her best to serve Him.  She homeschools and is always ready to lend a hand however she can.  God did amazing things for her this year.  He healed her of uterine cancer, allowed her the opportunity to stay home full time and homeschool, get remarried and saw her husband give his heart to the Lord after years and years of prayer!

I am sister # 2:)  This year, God gave my husband more work than he has seen in several years!  We paid off over $10,000 in debt, went on a great vacation and bought a (new to me) van with low miles and paid in cash!  The best part of this year was watching my precious daughter give her heart to the Lord.  God has also been working on mine and Frankie's heart about adopting again.  We are willing and excited to see what the new year has in store for our family!

Sister # 3  We call her the wild child lol!  She is spunky, full of life and so so funny!  This year God gave her a new wonderful job where she can minister to people in mourning and gave her the opportunity to travel to China on a mission trip and work in a orphanage.  She was there for 10 days and had a life-changing experience.   It's been wonderful to see her grow as a Christian.

Sister #4  She is the baby, but a loveable one at that!  She struggled with epilepsy for over 10 years, went through two major brain surgeries, had a healthy baby while having seizures and two years ago after her last surgery was seizure free.  She has been seizure free for over 2 years and just last month gave birth to the sweetest, most handsome baby.  

I could go on and on about my sisters.  They drive me crazy at times, but they are each so unique and I am blessed to have them in my life.  My parents raised us well.    How can I not praise the Lord when I see what he has done in my life this year?  How can I doubt when work gets slow and bills are late?  How can my faith waiver when every single time things get tough, God always pulls us through? 

Oh to have the faith of a mustard seed!  What glorious things we could accomplish for His Glory!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Let's try one more time!

Beach Vacation Fall 2011

For some reason, I can't get into the groove of this blogging thing. I have good intentions but life kind of gets in the way! That's ok, life is what it's all about:) My children are growing up so much, they are such blessings to me and my husband. They fill our days with joy and laughter. God has richly blessed us! I was looking through some old journals the other day and it was so neat to read all the things my teenage self wrote down. The things that were important to me then are interesting to read about now. I see how God has had his hand in my life. In the middle of all my teen angst, God was right there! I'm hoping to give this blog another go round. I want to capture our life for my family to see. What are our days like? What do we do? What is our homeschool like? What do we do for fun? How do we eat? What do we do in our spare time? A favorite blog of mine is here. I love her heart and how she runs her house!

My daughter looking for pirate ships!

Two peas in a pod!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Love

Things I love about summer:

-laughter at catching lightning bugs
-star lit nights chatting on the porch
-listening to frogs croak in my parents pond
-fresh vegetables from the garden
-feeling closer to the Lord through His wonderful creation
-taking care of my hard working husband
-how happy my children are and seeing that every day

Friday, January 28, 2011

It's a new dawn, It's a new day...

Been too long since I posted last. I haven't kept up with my blog like I wanted. I'm hoping to change that this year. I recently had my laptop crash and I lost a whole year of photos, videos, files, etc. I was not a happy momma! I can't get those moments back, so I've vowed to get a huge hard drive and start backing up my stuff every week. I never want that to happen again.

There's been some changes in my life recently. People would probably think I've gone crazy! I have completely revamped our lifestyle. We've really changed our way of eating. Gone are the days where I open a box and get dinner out of it. Instead I have developed a real food approach to our eating. I basically cook everything from scratch. I open very few cans of food (most of it is my own canned goods that I put away this summer). You can call me an Amish wannabe lol! We haven't bought a loaf of bread in months. What you say! How do you eat sandwiches? I have a secret! Don't tell anyone, are you ready? I make my own! And I don't mean go to the store and buy a bag of flour and use my bread machine like I used to. NO! I'm talking, grind my own flour, make my dough, knead my dough, let my dough rise, bake my dough and eat some of the best bread in the world stuff.

See I told you I was crazy:)

I know you are wondering, why. Well I realized something this past year. I'm not getting any younger. I feel like I have wasted years and years of my life eating crap. My weight has suffered because of it. My fertility is ruined because of it. I don't want my kids to grow up making all the bad choices I did about food. I want to train them while they are young. There is so much to learn about health and nutrition that we have completely threw by the wayside for the sake of convenience. My children deserve better than me running around feeding them junk because it's easy.

Over the next few weeks I will attempt to show you what our life looks like. From homeschooling, to cooking and living in our little abode. And yes when I say little, I mean 740 sq. ft little!