Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life's about changes...Nothing ever stays the same!

I used to love this song growing up. It's never been more true than right now in our lives. A month ago my parents house caught on fire and the kitchen was destroyed and the rest of the house was smoked up. We had to pull everything out and basically remodel the whole house. It was such a mess! We are slowly working on getting mom and dad back in their house. They have been living with us for a month. It has been a big change, but I have to say, it's not been a bad change. You really can live with your parents peacefully after you have grown up and moved away from home:) I always thought it would be awful because my teen years were so hard living with my dad. But it has been a wonderful blessing! God knows what He is doing and our family bond is so much stronger now because of this fire. My children have loved having their mammy and poppy with them. They have very willingly gave up their bedrooms and have loved "camping" out in our bedroom in their sleeping bags.

I have been canning a few things and working diligently in my garden. I have cucumbers and squash galore and in a few weeks I will have tomatoes coming out of my ears! I plan on making spaghetti sauce, tomato juice, diced tomatoes, squash relish, pickles, canned banana peppers, freezer corn, frozen berries, jams and anything else I can get my hands on to can. There is nothing better than opening up a jar of something you have grown with your hands and God's earth and eating it! My children love working in the garden. In fact, my son loves picking my cucumbers but he accidentally picked the whole vine, roots and all, and now I have dead cucumbers. He was quite upset when he realized he killed the cucumbers. He is more careful now! We are going to plant more seeds today.


  1. Hey girl I didn't know you had a blog! Woo hoo! Will have to read through! I have got to start blogging again!

  2. Hey Joy, I was getting into blogging and then life happened and this was something that kind of fell by the wayside, but I am going to start again now that summer is winding down and I don't have to can as much:) I have enjoyed reading yours too!
