It has been another long break from my blog. I have spent the last little bit reading over some of my old posts. I can see that writing for me is an outlet and so helpful when I am down and out over things I can't control. I may blog some in the next few months as we decide if we are going to put our house on the market to sell. We are ready to lower our debt load. Being on one income is a HUGE sacrifice for our family. There a lot of things we don't do because the money just isn't there. But the rewards of being tighter knit as a family are worth any extras we may think we need. So, here's what I do know right now:
God is good.
God is sovereign.
God cares for me, even when I mess up and don't think He does.
God gave me two precious treasures to love and raise and I am so thankful.
I am still infertile and actually have a lot to say about that, but that will come later.
I adore my husband, who can also drive me to insanity!
I love and I mean love to garden and work in flowers.
My children are growing up way too fast!
And last but not least, GOD IS GOOD!
Welcome back! I am excited to keep up with you guys. Love you!