To think that only three people would be recognized at Mother's Day was not too bad, until they also asked every mother to stand up and be recognized. I felt sick and my heart sunk as row after row of women stood up. I sat there mutely and like a stone. I didn't dare glance around. But I knew I was one of the very, very few women still seated. I felt hot from the embarrassment that I was sitting and not standing. I felt so ashamed. If that wasn't bad enough to sit there, the applause started. Endless clapping as I fought back tears for the very thing my heart desired: motherhood. That elusive club that I longed to belong to. I had to sit there and clap and put on a happy face and pretend all was right with the world. You see, infertility is not talked about. Everyone knew I was trying to have a baby, but no one really understood what I was going through. Until you have faced infertility, you don't have a clue what it's like to long for a baby so hard it hurts. It's a physical, mental and spiritual anguish. To know that your body just can't do what millions of women do every day is gut wrenching.
I'm so thankful that God has bottled all my tears over the years and heard my heart and listened to my pleas. Because He did make me a mother. Just not in the way I intended. He heard my hearts desire to be a mother and he brought me and my husband two of the greatest kids ever. Through adoption I get to stand up every Mother's Day and be recognized. I get to have hugs and kisses every day, get the privilege of raising two wonderful kids. Infertility still hurts immensely at times but to only focus on that would be to say I don't have faith in the Lord. To only focus on my infertility would mean I'm not thankful for my blessings! God knows what I needed more than I do. If I say that I trust Him and love Him, shouldn't I rest in His promises and know that He has it under control? There is a reason I haven't conceived and may never. One day I will know. But for now I am busy raising a family that God weaved together with his own hands!
I was exactly like you. One Mother's Day I cried and ran out of the service because I couldn't take it. Now I know better. We do not go to church on Mother's Day or Father's Day and that helps. I can't sit through one more baby dedication or round of applause. I pray that one day I'll be the one standing up at church getting applause, whether it be through my womb or someone else's. Thank you for recognizing the infertile mother. Even if we have never conceived, we are all mothers at heart.