Getting away this weekend was so good for my soul. As a full time stay at home momma who also home schools, my house can get on my nerves after awhile. Living on one income is challenging. Not always having money to do things is frustrating at times. But the joy of being with my loves and helping to shape them into great people is a blessing that I don't take for granted. But it is so nice to get away whenever we can. Especially in the winter. Escaping the doldrums of day in and day out routines is so refreshing.
I would like to say I did perfectly on my weekend, but I can't. I did plan well, brought lots of THM food and hoped for the best. What I didn't plan for is unexpected stops (five guys burger and fries) and a super bowl party at my moms. Overall I think it was a successful weekend. I brought lots of yummies (you can see it in my previous post), but most of it was S foods. My tummy was hurting from all the fat laden foods. I was literally craving a salad by Sunday. It was a good trial run and I will be better prepared next time. I ate bread this weekend and fries and totally ate off plan for 3 meals. I felt puffy and achy from the wheat. You know what I did this morning? Got right back on track! That is something I would have NEVER have done before. I would have thought, "what's the use?" I now see THM as a lifestyle, not a quick fix. I have been heavy my whole adult life. I expect it will take well over a year, maybe two to get this weight off. I WILL do it. One pound at a time!
This morning I had my coffee with cream, and a Fat strippin frappe. I ate a hard boiled egg after my workout. I am officially in love with kettle bells. They are stinkin hard! But I know it is effective. I did one round of this workout (it was all I could do and my legs are like jello!)
I plan on drinking at least 2 if not 3 quarts of water today to flush out my body. I feel so good drinking lots of water.
Lunch will be spicy Asian stir fry with chicken- fuel pull
Dinner will be baked pork chops, broccoli with butter and a big salad- S
Snacks will be nuts or a cheese stick
Happy Monday Fabulous Mommas!
Oh - I love that routine. My middle daughter and I do it every other day. So far we can only manage two sets, but we're working on it.