Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gearing up for a fuel cycle week

I'm joining other ladies next week to do a fuel cycle week and have spent the last two days planning my menu.  I'm still tweaking it and will post it when I get it all ready! I'm going to also try the earth milk recipe in the book next week and I am looking forward to that.  It's been pouring the rain here in TN and I am just about sick of it.  If there's going to be this much moisture, it needs to be snow, in my opinion lol.  . 

Todays Menu:

B- fried egg in butter, 2 peanut butter chocolate cookies, coffee with heavy cream (1TBsp)
L- big ole salad at my favorite restaurant with 2 TBsp cottage cheese and ranch dressing, gyro sandwich (meat only)
Sn- small handful of almonds
D-Marcy's cheese rolls with turkey to make a sandwich, lemonade with stevia

I have not exercised today.  We ran around town most of the day.  Does unloading wood from your husbands truck count as activity?  :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I found your blog from the THM site. I've been reading here and enjoying it. You are doing a great job!
